Thursday, July 30, 2009

July's finished books


21 The Long Winter (RR)
22 These Happy Golden Years (RR)
23 The Joys of Love (RR)
24 Uglies
25 Pretties
26 Fahrenheit 451 (RR)
27 Specials

Total: 27 Goal: 50

Okay, I think I'm done with July. I finished two books in 3 days and had a massive reading hangover. I just can't stay up late to read anymore, even to just 1:00am. I just started Interview with the Vampire, but I'm not reading it tonight (it's downstairs in my backpack, that's how serious I am about not reading tonight).

Then there's this whole knitting thing, you know, what I normally do. I normally knit on the bus/max. I don't think I knit at all this week. I wanted to finish this February Baby sweater that's been in progress for over a year. I thought I'd finish it so I could use the needles for something else. I powered through most of it, but I'm on the last sleeve and I lost my motivation for it. It might also be the weather, too hot! We finally got a window a/c hooked up in the bedroom, yay!

And have I mentioned how excited I am for Sock Summit?? I'm not sure that I have. Next weekend can't come fast enough. Right now I'm excited about the lunch buffet. And the Ravelry meet-up... and and, my class.. and.all.that.yarn!

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