Saturday, March 4, 2006

Who knew blocking could be so much fun??*

Grr. I don't like blocking all that much.

Okay, I guess before I can really get into what I was blocking, I should write about the Knitting Olympics. I signed up to knit the Blackberry from knitty. I started knitting it two days late. Then, once I found my groove, I thought, "Oh, this will be so easy to finish!" Wrong! I came upon bobbles. Let me tell you, I hate them more than I hate blocking. So after three or four false starts on the first sleeve, I threw them out the window and said, "To hell with bobbles, I didn't like them that much in the first place!" Then, since I had originally wanted thumb holes in the sleeves, I had to figure out the best thumb hole method. I found one I liked.

So I finished the first sleeve with like 3 days left. I figured it would be no problem doing one sleeve and the ribbing in just 3 days. Wrong! I got up to my elbow with two days left. Saturday I needed to go to my cousin's good-bye party because he's going to Afghanistan for over a year. I totally planned on knitting at the party and getting that sleeve done. Wrong! I started getting a migrane and it's hard to knit during serious times (at least for me), and I kept losing my way.

Sunday, the last day, I just couldn't knit with my migrane. I'm sure that if I was just doing St st or garter stitch I could have done it. But cables were just too much for me.

I know this sounds like a bunch of excuses.. However, at the two day mark, I decided I couldn't stress myself out about it because, well, it's just knitting. Nobody would die if I didn't finish. Nobody would even probably be upset that I didn't finish. So, that said: I took a full week off from my Greenberry (so named because I knit it in green). Now I'm almost done with the second sleeve. I pulled apart the sections that I hastily sewed together and now I'm properly blocking them (with the scuncii steamer none the less). I should finish the second sleeve while that is drying.. No pictures yet, but I do plan on taking them. I totally forgot about this window in the basement (where I'm blocking the Greenberry), so I should be able to get some alright pictures from there.

I feel totally ambitious now. As soon as I'm finished with the Greenberry, I'm going to finish Alivia's dress (add a couple of inches, change the straps to I-cord), then I need to finish the Pikmin hat. That's for this week.

Oh, and I can't forget Team Portland. Even if only some of us finished, it was cool to knit along with other Portlanders.

*Please note the sarcasm

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