Part of the reason is being busy and hardly having time to knit, let alone blog. Another reason is that I always forget to take pictures of my FO's before I hand them off to their new owners.
I did finally get pictures of some things I knit for my sis-in-law and nieces (some of the items are 2 years old) (and the pictures aren't really the greatest, I don't really feel like messing with them to make them look right):

As for current projects, well, there's no pictures right now:
*I'm currently working on a dress for Alivia. It was supposed to be for Christmas, but I lost the groove on it. I hope to finish it before spring...
*I got some knifty knitter looms for Christmas from my mom. So I've decided to knit a blanket out of cheap acrylic yarn (red heart) and then back it with some flannel or something. It should be pretty warm. (yes, already started).
*A prayer shawl I started a couple of months ago. I believe it's going to my grandma, who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Some projects I want to start (but of course I'll have to finish some others before I start these because they'll require more yarn buying...):
*Some fingerless gloves for my uncle, cousins, my brother and my boyfriend. Apparently they use them for paintball so their knuckles are protected, but they still get some warmth and free use of their fingers. *colors must be black, dark green, dark grey, or dark blue. (the ones they currently use are falling to pieces!)
*I still want to knit some arm warmers for myself and maybe a pair of mittens.
*I still need to make Richard a yellow and black hat to match the Hufflepuff scarf
*I came up with an idea for an anime hat. That'll be fun.
*Before March, I need to come up with a pattern for Pikmin hats so we (me, Katie, and Valeska) can knit them up for Sakuracon
1 comment:
Good to have you back! Those are some nice hats.
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